ezSAM 1st Anniversary Appreciation Event: Charity Bazaar, Tea Party & Open House 2013

ezSAM 1st Anniversary Appreciation Event – Charity Bazaar, Tea Party & Open House 2013 


When: Aug 4, 2013 (Sun) 2:30pm – 5:30pm

Where: ezSAM Korean Language Centre


What to expect:

– Buy donated items (Proceeds will go to to an ezSAM designated charity – part of ezSAM Corporate Social Responsibility Programme)
– Have tea and refreshments with ezSAM Tutors and fellow course mates
– Browse ezSAM recommended textbooks
– Find out more about ezSAM (Open House)
– Interact in Korean for all activities above
– Open to all, current students or otherwise!





– Sogang textbooks at $30 (Original price $45) – ezSAM will donate half of the proceeds to our designated charity.

– Song CDs, Handbags, Hand-made accessories, Children’s Books, Korean Books, Korean Face Mask and more! Exquisite door gift for all (while stocks last!). Sign up now at www.ez-sam.com!


Donation (such as books, CD, clothes, accessories, etc), should be made by 28 July.

