At ezSAM, we focus not just on helping you master the Korean language, but also help you appreciate the finer side of Korean culture and practices. Cultural programs include Korean cuisine cooking sessions, music and dance appreciation, as well as the popular yearly study trip to Korea, to name a few.

Korea Study Trip
Annual study trip to both Korea's famous sights and also lesser traveled but culturally significant places - Andong, Jeju Island, Gyeoungju!
Here, our principal tutors turn tour guides and bring ezSAM students on an unforgettable, immersive language and culture learning tour.

Cultural Experience Class
From time to time, ezSAM organizes external classes for our students to participate outside of classroom hours.
Enjoy the ad-hoc Kimchi-making sessions, Korean instrument learning classes, K-movie night, or a class meal to a Korean restaurant. Experience real Korean culture right at home.

Class Activities
As part of the standard ezSAM classes, students also get the chance to learn about Korean cultural, getting down to cook and eat homemade Korean cuisines, play traditional Korean games, or wear hanbok.
Experience Korean culture without ever leaving the classrooms!

Kids Cultural Sessions
Specially customized Korean and culture programs for kids. Summer Korean language programs, Korean folk dance, Korean art and craft.
At ezSAM, we're the leading centre in Singapore for educating kids about Korean and culture class.

Special events
Once in a while, we'll also share special events and promotions with our students and alumni. Go to an ezSAM-booked movie theatre, win tickets to Hallyu K-pop concerts, take part in other fun-filled special events with our friendly ezSAM tutors!

Giving back
We are also on the look out to see how our activities can benefit the less fortunate around us. We organized a Charity Bazaar as part of our opening celebration, and volunteered at the CCF to share our love for Korean language with the kids there.
Check out our ezSAM events archive, and our ezSAM Korea Study Tour pages for details on cultural events from the past.