Free Trial Lesson

ezSAM’s free trial lessons are usually one-hour sessions for you to learn the basics of Korean language. Use this lesson to learn about the conducive environment, friendly tutors, effective materials, and the rich cultural programs that we offer. 

Bring a friend or family member along with you and join the ezSAM family today – you’d find, it’s more than just a school!

Free Trial Registration

For free trial lesson schedule, see table below this form. 

    1. Your Name (required)

    2. Your Email (required)

    3. Your Contact (numbers only)

    4. You’re signing up for: ezSAM Free Trial Lesson

    5. Select free trial date and time (as shown in the Course Detail page)

    a) Start date (tap to select):

    b) Start time (tap to select):

    6. Please help us do this better: How did you hear about us? State below i.e. via search engine, via review sites, via Google ad, via Facebook ad, from friends, etc.

    7. Just so we know you are not a bot: Which is bigger, 2 or 8? (required)

    Online Zoom Trial Lesson

    Free Trial LessonDate
    Online Zoom Trial Lesson (Beginner)

    Register here or drop us an email at

    (If you have studied before,
    please send us an email for alternative free trial arrangements.)
    We will send you the zoom meeting ID and password after receiving your trial lesson registration.

    7 July 2024
    Sun 2pm-3pm

    28 July 2024
    Sun 2pm-3pm